Kimberlee Sue Moran

Kimberlee Sue Moran has been a forensic consultant and educator since 2002.  She holds an undergraduate degree in Classical and Near Eastern archaeology from Bryn Mawr College and a Masters of Science in forensic archaeological science from the Institute of Archaeology at University College London.  Kimberlee worked as a contract archaeologist for Hunter Research, a CRM firm based in Trenton, NJ, prior to moving to the UK.  She moved back to New Jersey in 2010.  Her archaeological research includes ancient fingerprints, artificial cranial deformation, the Whispering Woods site in Salem, NJ, and the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia also known as “The Arch Street Project”. 

Kimberlee has worked on a number of forensic cases in a range of capacities.  She has also provided forensic services to legal professionals in the UK and regularly runs training workshops for local law enforcement.  She helped to launch the JDI Centre for the Forensic Sciences in 2010 and has run an educational organization, Forensic Outreach, since 2004. Her forensic research includes taphonomic studies, fingerprint development and enhancement, post-mortem toxicology, and the interface of forensic archaeology and crime scene investigation.  Kimberlee serves on the Crime Scene Investigation sub-committee of the NIST-led Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC).

Kimberlee is passionate about outreach and science education and is a regular participant and speaker for the Philadelphia Science Festival.  She often works in collaboration with the College of Physicians of Philadelphia and the Franklin Institute.  Kimberlee is an active member of the Society for American Archaeology, the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, the Association for Women in Forensic Science, and Forensic Archaeology Recovery.  She is the 2021 recipient of the Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence Award for NTT faculty.

This site contains information on a range of Kimberlee’s past and current projects.