Professor Kimberlee Moran was awarded the NEH Summer Stipend for: “The Arch Street Project: Visualizing the Historical, Archaeological, and Bioanthropological Evidence from the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia’s Burial Ground”.  The grant will fund the production of an interactive site map of the cemetery excavated in 2017.  Nearly 500 burials were recovered and are still being analyzed in collaboration with professors at the College of New Jersey and staff at the Mutter Research Institute.  The map to be developed will be posted on the Arch Street Project website and will allow users to click on individual burials opening a dialog box with all the information known for that person.  Users will be able to create filtered searches to spacially visualize aspects of the cemetery such as demographics, coffin styles, pathologies, or other data in a range of combinations.  The tool will be available by October 2020 and will be continuously updated as additional data are generated.