Professor Kimberlee Moran will travel to Belize in January 2023 to to initiate a new partnership between the Belize National Forensic Science Service (NFSS) and the Rutgers Forensic Consortium (RFC), a team of forensic science professionals, coordinated by Professor Moran. The NFSS identified several forensic science needs pertinent to its mission: ● unidentified skeletal remains … Continue reading Prof. Kimberlee Moran funded by the Fulbright Specialist Program to travel to Belize…
Forensic Science Program offers training
Training opportunities are available to law enforcement professionals through the Rutgers Forensic Science Program. In August 2022, over 60 crime scene personnel, detectives, and investigators participated in 3 days of forensic DNA training. Read more about it here:
Prof. Moran & Prof. Betz hosts 5th annual Ethics Bowl debate tournament
For the 5th year in a row, Professor Moran will be facilitating the Rutgers-Camden Ethics Bowl, a co-taught class with Professor Betz in the Department of Philosophy & Religion (50:730:240). The class, Debating Ethical Issues Across Disciplines, teaches students ethical frameworks through which dilemmas can be addressed. Students prepare scenarios that are then debated in … Continue reading Prof. Moran & Prof. Betz hosts 5th annual Ethics Bowl debate tournament…
Prof. Kimberlee Moran awarded Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence honor
Professor Kimberlee Moran is the 2021 recipient of the Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence Award for NTT faculty.
Prof. Moran & Prof. Betz hosts 4th annual Ethics Bowl debate tournament

For the 4th year in a row, Professor Moran will be facilitating the Rutgers-Camden Ethics Bowl, a co-taught class with Professor Betz in the Department of Philosophy & Religion (50:730:240). The class, Debating Ethical Issues Across Disciplines, teaches students ethical frameworks through which dilemmas can be addressed. Students prepare scenarios that are then debated in … Continue reading Prof. Moran & Prof. Betz hosts 4th annual Ethics Bowl debate tournament…
Prof Moran awarded NEH funding

Professor Kimberlee Moran was awarded the NEH Summer Stipend for: “The Arch Street Project: Visualizing the Historical, Archaeological, and Bioanthropological Evidence from the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia’s Burial Ground”. The grant will fund the production of an interactive site map of the cemetery excavated in 2017. Nearly 500 burials were recovered and are still being … Continue reading Prof Moran awarded NEH funding…